Update of the Avatar #105 – 2014.12.26: Space Bards Cover of “Stones,” Scepter of Dread Artifact, Q1-2015 Schedule Update, $5 for $5 Holiday Bonus, and More! https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/?p=47215
Augmented Cloth Hood no longer removes facial hair
Deathfield nerfed slightly
Obsidian Cloak now displays the proper symbol
Fixed a logic error that gave you bonuses and penalties to fizzle chances for standing still or moving BUT only if holding a bow. Now will apply those no matter what weapon is equipped. Also, cut the penalty in half.
Immolation is now enabled in the game (no really, we aren't kidding)
Fixed various typos in conversations
Changed Launcher to default to 64 bit windows build if machine is capable
Various performance optimizations (should make Owl's Head play much better)
Updated the get hit sound effect to something marginally better but still placeholder
Fixed doorways in desert buildings that were blocking fully scaled avatars
Books should no longer appear in the equipment tab
Kobold Mages and Archers should now have the correct names
Fixed floating fence and boulders in Wynton's Folly (new desert scene)
Fixed issue that was causing multiple items to be selected in inventory, even when trying to select single items
Known Issues:
Marlene Graff's quest to recover her necklace is broken.
Chain Lightning does not chain
Ignite Weapon does not add a Fire DoT, only increases damage
Tower of the Shuttered Eye で、新月に出現するNPCと会うとかいうクエスト どこでクエストをもらうのか検索してみたら、Ardorisの領主、将軍Sirantoからだとわかり、ふたたびArdorisへ。 検索したときにArdorisの他のクエストの記事もみつかったので、ついでにやってみることに。
Solace Bridge、Emperor's Writ などのキーワードが出てくるが、それ以上聞いても答えてくれない。Min Liang Tangに話をきけと。
Necropolisのアンデッドの対処で将軍と対立しているので、Khasiに協力するクエストをもらう。その城Palace of the WindsにいるアドバイザーNPCと話しておく。